Do You Know How You Spend Your Time?

I didn't, which is pretty embarrasing, since I made this software to help me audit my time.

I'm Rob, I made this app becuase I was tired of making NO progress towards my goals.

I tracked each and every minute of my day for 31 days, I learned a bunch.

Read the Story

Here's How it Works...

Google Calendar

Schedule Your Day

Use google calendar to schedule your day. We recommend entering every hour of the day outside of sleep.

Time Audit App

Rate and Review Events

All of your events are automatically imported into our app where you can review and rate each event.

Time Audit App

Daily Ratings

Over time you can see your average daily ratings and if they correlate with your sleep patterns.

Time Audit App

Category Breakdown

See which categories you are spending the majority of your time on. Health, life and work are the defaults.

Time Audit App

Qualitative Breakdowns

You can also see how you are rating your time in each category. Make quick adjustments using your own data.

Time Audit App

Granular Details

Dig into the data as deep as you'd like. It is all available to you in our easy to access dashboard.